Term Dates, Session Times and Funding

We are a term-time setting, so are closed when our local schools are. You can find the Gloucestershire County Council calendars here:  http://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/termdates

A quick wash needed!

Little Explorers Playgroup is open from Monday to Thursday throughout school term times from 9.15 to either 12.45pm (half day) or to 2.45pm (full day). To attend a ‘full’ day from 9.15am to 2.45pm children need to bring a packed lunch.

Preschool fees

Our fees are currently £7.50 per hour (as of April 2024).

We are registered for Nursery Education Funding which entitles your child to 15/30 hours a week of free childcare. Full details of the funding your child may be eligible for can be found here:



You will become able to claim the funded entitlement the term after a child turns 3 or 4 year olds (depending on your personal circumstances)

Tiny Explorers

Friday mornings from 9.30am to 11am are dedicated to Tiny Explorers, our Stay and Play session for parents/carers and children from birth to 3 years. Payment is £4 per family by cash or bank transfer on the day.

Information regarding Tiny Explorers can be found in the menu above and also on our Facebook page 

Help us raise funds

You can support us by playing the Cheltenham Lottery here and choosing Little Explorers Preschool @ Pavilion as your casuse

We are also registered with Easy Fundraising, you can support Playgroup when you shop! The name to use is ‘Little Explorers @ Pavilion – Cheltenham’