Mark making in the sand
Making up our own challenges!
Sports Day
Carefully does it
Using the outdoor kitchen
Making soup
Washing up!
Releasing butterflies
Going on a bear hunt!
Using the play area
Nursery Rhymes
Writing a list
How many!
A quick wash needed!
Making dough
Tea anyone?
“That one’s earth, I live there!”
Tadpoles to frogs
Around the world
Great shot!
Weighing inside
Weighing outside
Dinosaur jungle
Bathing baby
Following the recipe
Rainbow rice
Diggers and mud – a great combination
Mix it all together and what do you get? Sludgy grey – and very sticky hands!
Hold on tight!
Planting snack!
A little note …..
A little note …
Enjoying a story
Rice is nice – especially rainbow rice. Sensory play.
Making dough.
Big bears and little bears.
“Staff prepare open-ended activities to capture the children’s curiosity and their critical-thinking skills are promoted well .” Ofsted inspection – April 2023